There are 197 website links in the category.
Advertising Association
The association is a federation of 25 trade bodies representing the advertising and promotional marketing industries including advertisers, agencies, media and support services.
All Party Parliamentary Food and Drink Manufacturing Group (APPG)
The APPG group’s broad remit is to consider the issues of concern to the food and drink manufacturing industry and to raise awareness of these matters in Parliament.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition publishes the latest worldwide basic and clinical studies relevant to human nutrition in topics such as obesity, vitamins and minerals, nutrition and disease, and energy metabolism. Includes a resources page with relevant websites.
Anaphylaxis Campaign
A comprehensive site which explains what anaphylaxis is and precautions that can be taken to avoid or minimise risk. The campaign’s newsletter is published on this site and contains the latest news and developments on the subject. Details of print and video resources produced by the campaign are listed.
Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO)
The ASO website includes the Obesity Research Information Centre (ORIC) pages, which provide an introduction to obesity-related issues. The Specialist Information section within ORIC covers some subjects in more detail.
Association of Bakery Ingredients Manufacturers (ABIM)
ABIM is the new name for BATA (Bakery Allied Traders Association) which was established in 1917. The site provides information on the activities of the association, details of members, relevant news, information on ABIM’s technical committee and www links.
Automatic Vending Association (AVA)
Represents all sectors from machine manufacturers and distributors, suppliers of commodities and operators. The site provides information on any aspect of vending.
BBC Learning
This area of the BBC’s site contains a Food and catering module covering anything from the science of cooking to information for chiefs.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
A leading biosciences funding agency for research and training in universities, BBSRC is primarily funded by the Office of Science and Technology. Their site explains the type of funding they offer and how to apply for it. It also provides news of its activities on a national and international level. There is a glossary of acronyms of related terms and organisations’ names.
Breakfast Cereal Information Service (BCIS)
The Breakfast Cereal Information Service is part of the Association of Cereal Food Manufacturers (ACFM), which represents all major manufacturers of breakfast cereal products in the UK. The ACFM’s Breakfast Cereal Information Service has been launched to provide easily accessible information on the breakfast cereal industry.
British Cheese Board
The site contains a variety of information including listing of members, the types of cheeses produced by the members, a links page, recipies and press releases. It also contains facts about cheese including nutritional and health information.
British Dental Journal
The site contains the current issue of the magazine and also all archived issues which are searchable by keywords.
British Dietetic Association
Information on state registered dietitians and where they can be located along with details on the association’s committees. The site also includes sections on web links, teh media and resources.
British Egg Information Service
Consumer information on the egg industry with a news section of archived stories about the egg industry. The site provides information on nutrition and cholesterol levels, recipies and safety. The site also has a small links section.
British Food Journal
Information can be found about the British Food Journal within Emerald Publishers website. The site includes sample issue and lists editorial team.
British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF)
Information on the frozen food industry. Includes current and archived news, statistics on frozen food and a small links page. It also provides information on member companies.
British Journal of Nutrition
British Journal of Nutrition is a leading international peer-reviewed journal covering research on human and clinical nutrition, animal nutrition and basic science as applied to nutrition.
British Medical Journal (BMJ)
Information on the BMJ, including full text of the current issue. The archived issues can be viewed through the search function which lets you search by topic. There is also a discussion forum area.
British Nutrition Foundation (BNF)
British Nutrition Foundation (BNF)
BNF provides resources related to nutrition, including comprehensive details of their education programmes and resources for schools, nutrition facts and news, publications and events.
British Poultry Council
This site provides information on the British poultry meat sector. It includes sections on related farming issues, statistics and legislation.
British Retail Consortium (BRC)
BRC is a source of information, expertise and comment on many issues affecting retailing. It publishes monthly surveys on retail sales and prices which are viewed by the Bank of England, the Treasury and the City as key indicators for the economy.
British Science Association – GM Science Review
The government has announced a national dialogue on Genetic Modification (GM) issues in response to considerable public interest in the technology. The BA is coordinating a number of Open Meetings throughout the UK to enable scientists to discuss the key scientific issues surrounding GM
British Soft Drinks Association (BSDA)
BSDA is a national trade association representing the interests of producers and manufacturers of soft drinks.
British Specialist Nutrition Association Ltd (BSNA)
The BSNA represents the manufacturers of specialist nutrition products (previously the Infant and Dietetic Foods Association (IDFA)).
British Sugar
A website covering all information on the British sugar industry. The site provides information on background to the sugar industry, the sugar product range, co-products produced by British Sugar and consumer information such as environmental issues, safety and community works.
Business Gateway
Business Gateway provides practical help, advice and support for new and growing businesses in Scotland.
Business in the Community (BITC)
BITC is a movement of companies committed to improving their impact on society. The site has national and regional information about BITC, a list of its members along with a regular newsletter and contact details.
Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association (CCFRA)
An independently funded research organisation for the food industry. Research is carried out on behalf of its membership – food companies, packaging companies, ingredient manufacturers and other food-related organisations. The site provides an overview of the activities of CCFRA along with summaries of their research. There is also a section on legislation affecting the food industry. Publication details are included plus information about their training courses and conferences.
Canned Food Information Service
Aimed at consumers, this site provides information on nutrition, recycling, the history of the canned food industry plus recipies. There is an education area, which provides information for schools on nutrition.
Carbon Trust
The Carbon Trust is an independent company funded by government to help the UK move towards a low carbon economy. It offers free, practical advice and support, including site surveys, to UK business and public sector organisations on practical ways to reduce energy use and cut carbon emissions. The site contains simple tips and listings of publications and events.
Aimed at the catering and hospitality professionals, CatererSearch includes the latest catering and hospitality news as well as the latest hospitality and catering jobs. The site also includes a directory of companies in the industry and guides on hot hospitality topics.
CBI on Climate Change
CBI website on Climate change and building a low carbon economy. The CBI helps create and sustain the conditions in which businesses in the UK can compete and prosper for the benefit of all.
CBI Scotland
The Confederation of British Industry’s mission is to help create and sustain the conditions in which businesses in the United Kingdom can compete and prosper for the benefit of all
Change4Life campaign website with tips on making small changes to eat well, move more, and live longer.
Chewing Gum Action Group (CGAG)
The Chewing Gum Action Group (CGAG) formed in 2003.
Chilled Food Association
Provides information on the chilled food industry. Topics covered include events related to chilled food, publications, principles of food safety, chilled food market data, information on the climate change levy and details of the activities of the Chilled Food Association.
Climate Change Levy Discount Scheme
Provides details of the FDF Climate Change Levy discount scheme (effective from 1 April 2001) operated by FDF, the British Meat Federation, the British Poultry Meat Federation and UKASTA. The site offers you the chance to calculate the cost of the Climate Change Levy to your business and how to apply for the discount scheme’s information packs.
Codex Alimentarius Commission
Outlines the standards, codes of practice, guidelines and recommendations that make up the food code Codex Alimentarius. The Codex Alimentarius Commission, created by the UN, is the body responsible for compiling the Code which encourages fair trade in food while promoting the health and economic interests of consumers.
Coeliac Society
Run by the charity, the site provides information and advice on Coeliac disease. It covers areas such as medical information, news, information specifically for youth, research, local interest groups and relevant links for more information.
Coffee Science Information Centre (CoSIC)
Provides information on coffee from a scientific viewpoint. It covers the background of coffee and has a Q&A section, extensive summaries of coffee and health issues plus the latest news from the coffee world.
Consumer Direct (formerly Consumer Gateway)
Run by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the site provides on line access to information and advice for consumers. It links to websites containing consumer information and advice run by Government departments, consumer organisations and others.
Consumer Focus Scotland
Set up to promote the interests of Scottish consumers, with particular regard to those people who experience disadvantage in society. Site gives details on workplans, procedures, council meetings, organisational details and accounts.
Cross Party Group on Food
The purpose and aims of the CPG Group on Food have been agreed and are to raise awareness of food issues from production through to consumption in Scotland and their importance to the consumer, the economy, the environment and to the health of Scotland; to act as a policy forum for discussion and updating on food issues in Scotland; to contribute to policy development on a range of food issues in Scotland.
Dairy UK/Dairy UK Scotland
Dairy UK represents the interests of dairy farmers, producer co-operatives, manufacturers of dairy products, and processors and distributors of liquid milk throughout the United Kingdom.
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) is supporting sustained growth and higher skills across the economy. Growth is the Government’s top priority and BIS, as the Department for Growth, in enabling this.
Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
Provides the latest news from the DCSF, information about the government department and its consulations, plus statistics on education and employment. There is an extensive A-Z of DCSF publications and documents.
Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
DEFRA is the UK government department responsible for all aspects of the environment (air, land, water, animals and plants), farming and food production.
Department of Exercise and Health Sciences, Bristol University
Provides information on a new degree launched in nutrition, physical activity and public health. Expert in health sciences at Bristol University and advisor to FDF’s foodfitness initiative, Professor Ken Fox has launched the new MSc degree ‘Shaping the new look health professional’. This is in response to the need to bring the fields of nutrition and exercise closer together for public health policy.
Department of Health (DH)
Department of Health offers the latest news in the areas of: the NHS, public health, social care, statistics, surveys and research and development. The public health section covers topics such as biotechnology and child nutrition, and also contains information from the relevant advisory committees.
Determined to Succeed
DTS brings together education, employers, parents and carers there is a greater chance of preparing young people for a successful life beyond school.
Dundee College
As one of Scotland’s leading colleges, Dundee College offers a wide range of opportunities and we can help you choose the programme that’s right for you.
Dupont Biotechnology
This site provides unbiased information about all aspects of biotechnology covering an introduction on biotechnology with a glossary, US policy, legislation and industry www links. There is also a search facility.
Eco Schools Scotland
Eco-Schools is an international initiative designed to encourage whole-school action for the environment. It is an environmental management tool, learning resource and recognised award scheme.
Energy Saving Trust
The Energy Saving Trust is a government funded organisation tasked with advising and helping the domestic, transport and small business sectors to use energy efficiently and reduce their carbon dioxide emissions. It compliments the work of the Carbon Trust which is more directed to larger organisations.
English Farming and Food Partnerships Ltd
EFFP is dedicated to strengthening the profitability, competitiveness and sustainability of England’s farming, food and related rural industries through developing co-operation and partnership activities not only between farmers but also between farmers and the food chain.
Environment Agency
The EA is the leading public body for protecting and improving the environment in England and Wales. It regulates industry, maintains flood defences and water resources, and improves wildlife habitats.
The site contains information on environmental issues including facts and figures and listings of publications and current consultations. Information for businesses is included in a separate section which covers the Agency’s charging schemes and sector specific guidance for compliance with environmental legislation. A new monthly newsletter Environment Business rounds up all the most important environment stories and developments. To subscribe to this newsletter email:
Environment Daily (ENDS)
ENDS is a European environmental news service which provides a daily news briefing on policy, regulation and government. The ENDS Report is also published monthly and deals with environmental issues including policy, practice and legislation. There is also a free online database of environmental consultants in the UK. Please note that for much of the information users have to register for a free trial or pay a subscription.
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee
The Committee was set up in July 2001 following changes to the shape of Government after the Election that year. The site holds information on background to the committee, members of the committee – with links to a biography of each member, future meetings of the committee and relevant press notices. There is also a comprehensive glossary section for relevant terms for the committees.
Envirowise is a government funded programme to help make business more competitive and profitable and to ensure compliance with environmental legislation. It offers free, independent, confidential advice and support, including site surveys, to UK business on practical ways to increase profits, minimise waste and reduce environmental impact. The site contains sector specific guidance and listings of publications and events.
Europa – the site of the European Union (EU)
Provides the latest news plus a calendar of upcoming EU events. The site publishes large amounts of information about EU business such as legislation (including legislation in progress), EU grants and loans, statistics and publications. The site explains the role of the EU and its strategic objectives and provides links to EU institutions.
European Food Information Council (EUFIC)
EUFIC provides science-based information on food related topics such as nutrition and health, food safety and quality and biotechnology in food.
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
EFSA provides independent scientific advice on all matters with a direct or indirect impact on food safety.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (EJCN)
Information on EJCN. The journal covers all aspects of human nutrition: basic and theoretical studies; clinical and metabolic studies; epidemiological and social aspects; nutritional determinants to growth and development; relations of function to nutritional status; nutritional causes and effects of diseases; and community nutrition and education. You can subscribe to the journal through this site.
European Parliament (EP)
Provides an overview of the parliament and its operations along with a who’s who of EMPs, committee members and other parliamentary contacts. Details on parliamentary business, events and meetings are provided. The news section offers daily bulletins, summaries of reports, and in-depth publications on specific topics. EU policies, treaties and studies can also be found on the site.
European Spice Association (ESA)
ESA represents national associations within the European seasoning and spice trade whose membership are involved in the processing, marketing, distribution and trading of herbs, spices and seasoning mixes.
Federation of Bakers (FOB)
Comprehensive information on the baking industry including facts about the industry and information about the federation. The site also contains information on nutrition plus material aimed at journalists and students. There is also a members only area under construction.
Flour Advisory Bureau
Comprehensive site covering all aspects of flour. The site has information on consumer issues such as health. There are also fact sheets for education and recipies as well as a news and resources section. The site also has a search facility.
Food Additives and Ingredients Association (FAIA)
The FAIA represents companies whose principal business is the manufacture and marketing of food additives and ingredients. The organisation brings together UK producers of food additives and ingredients to: promote a better understanding of the role of additives and ingredients in diet; make representations to relevant authorities on food additive and ingredient legislation; and develop resources for education.
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO)
Reports on FAO’s activities, from development programmes to the lobbying of governments. Information is provided on the following subjects: agriculture, economics, forestry, fisheries, nutrition, sustainable development, biodiversity and organic agriculture. Contact information is given for all their regional offices.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
The FDA is the US Government department responsible for food and nutrition. The site covers a wide range of topics: food, biologics, human drugs, animal drugs, toxicology research, freedom of information, medical products and cosmetics. Information is aimed at consumers, health professionals, patients and industry.
Food Commission
Information covering the issues the Food Commission are concerned with: additives, advertising, animal welfare, baby foods and children’s food, genetic engineering, good nutrition, irradiation and pesticides. The site hosts news, publications and an index of terms used by the Food Commission.
Food in Schools
Launched by the DoH to help schools implement a whole school approach to food education and healthy eating. It includes details about the Food in Schools Toolkit launched in March 2005.
Food Industry Sustainability Strategy (FISS)
Consultation draft of the Government’s food industry sustainability strategy published on the Defra website.
Food Labelling to Advance Better Education for Life (FLabel)
EU project FLABEL is funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme and is designed to understand how nutrition information on food labels affects dietary choices and consumer habits.
Food Standards Agency (FSA)
FSA latest news along with information about research, industry regulation and the scientific advisory committees. In-depth material is provided on GM foods, additives, BSE and organic food. Information about Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish FSAs can also be found here.
Food Standards Agency (FSA) Scotland
Food Standards Agency Scotland was launched on 3 April 2000. Our commitment is to improve food safety and standards in Scotland and protect the health of Scotland’s population in relation to food.
This site provides general food industry information which is split into sectors such as best practice, legislation and funding. Each of these sections have discussion forums, latest news and www links. There is also a business directory, research and development information and exhibitions and events.
The UK Foresight programme, managed by the Office of Science and Technology at the DTI, brings together business, science, the voluntary sector and Government to consider future opportunities and threats. The site looks at possible future developments in a broad range of areas, such as the food chain, crops for industry, manufacturing, retail and consumer services.
Fresh Produce Consortium
This site contains industry news, events, publications which can be ordered through the site, details of members as well as a comprehensive listing of the wholesale markets across Britain along with details of traders at each of these markets.
GDA label
FDF’s dedicated micro site about Guideline Daily Amounts (GDAs) and nutrion labelling.
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow Caledonian University offers a stimulating, vibrant and accessible environment for learning, teaching and applied research.
Glasgow Metropolitan College
Glasgow Metropolitan is Glasgow’s biggest college. Supported by great facilities, they offer a wide choice of vocational & leisure courses through four Schools.
Grain Chain Programme
The Grain Chain programme is the successor to the Flour and Grain Education Programme which was launched in 2002. Wheat, barley and oats are important cereals used in our diets. This website gives you a chance to explore the grain chain from field to plate.
Grain Information Service
A website that provides information and looks at different issues surrounding grain. This includes wheat intolerance and allergy, Glycaemic Index and vitamin and mineral contents in grain.
Health and Safety Executive Direct (HSEDirect)
HSEDirect caters for anyone who has a responsibility for health and safety issues and management in the workplace. This site provides health and safety legislation and guidance. Information that can be viewed for free include daily news summaries, press releases, current consultative documents, Year 2001 health and safety conference diary, useful contacts, FAQsand links to other relevant sites. If you subscribe to the site you can view the HSE publications.
Health Food Manufacturers’ Association (HFMA)
HFMA is the trade association for the specialist health product industry. The site contains recent news, a summary of their activities and position statements as well as details on how to become a member. It also contains a members only area.
Healthier Scotland – Scottish Government
Handy tips on health living to help you and your kids improve your diet and your fitness.
Healthyliving Award
The healthyliving award rewards catering establishments for dishing up healthier food and finding ways of helping their customers make better food choices. The award is open to all kinds of catering places – from sandwich shops to staff restaurants – the high standards it demands will play a part in improving diet across Scotland.
Heriot Watt University
Heriot-Watt University is renowned for its leadership on critical global issues and is recognised throughout the world for the quality of its teaching and applied research capability
Highlands and Islands Enterprise
The Highlands and Islands equivalent of Scottish Enterprise. The HIE network consists of the main body, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, based in Inverness, and ten Local Enterprise Companies. Site covers oragnisation’s remit, aims and strategies as well as a resources base and news updates.
HM Customs and Excise
Explains the role of the Customs and Excise department as well as issuing news and press releases. The site is split into two sections: business and public information. There is also a ‘What’s new’ section which highlights all new additions to the site.
Improve Ltd
Improve Limited is the Sector Skills Council for the Food and Drink Manufacturing Industry in the UK.
ImproveSkills has been introduced to highlight the great work which Improve Limited is undertaking in addressing the specific skills issues faced in the industry.
Institute of Brewing & Distilling
The Institute of Brewing & Distilling (IBD) is a members organisation dedicated to the education and training needs of brewers & distillers and those in related industries.
Institute of Food Research (IFR)
The IFR is an organisation that impartially looks at issues relevant to food safety, diet and health, and food materials. The site holds information on research issues, publications, events, community issues and a listing of likeminded websites hosted by the IFR.
Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST)
The IFST is an organisation that represents food scientists and technologists. The site contains latest news, details on how to become a member, a BSE news update and a guide to products and services in the food industry.
Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD)
A research organisation for the food and grocery industry. This site contains information on topics such as the different industry sectors, food and nutrition and consumer issues. Profiles on some leading companies are also included. There is a news section highlighting today’s food-related stories.
International Coffee Organisation (ICO)
This site provides information about coffee and about the activities of the ICO. The site contains coffee statistics and facts as well as a glossary of terms. It also has information about the structure of ICO, forthcoming meetings and press releases.
International Dairy Federation (IDF)
The IDF represents the dairy industry and their site provides information for the industry and also for the general public. It provides information on IDF activities and future events aswell as listing publications and contact details. There is a ‘What’s new’ section including latest industry news.
International Food Information Council (IFIC)
The IFIC provides science-based information on food safety and nutrition to health and nutrition professionals, educators, journalists and government officials. There is a library of resources aimed at different users. For instance, educators, journalists and government officials. There is also a publications section and a glossary of terms.
Journal of Nutrition
Through this online journal you can read sample articles from the current issue, the rest of the site is only accessable to subscribers. Viewers can subscribe to the journal from this site and can also purchase one-off articles.
Kellogg’s Health Zone
Kellogg’s website dedicated to providing relevant and useful nutritional information to healthcare professionals.
The Lancet is a medical journal providing access to articles, announcements, jobs and events.
Lantra is the Sector Skills Council for environmental and land-based industries and works with 17 industries across the UK.
Learndirect Scotland for Business
Offers detailed information regarding the learning opportunities that are available within Scotland with sections on funding, careers, qualifications and childcare.
Learning and Teaching Scotland
Learning and Teaching Scotland (LTS) plays a key role in transforming education in Scotland. Their core remit highlights the organisation’s key role in delivering education reform – including its significant involvement in Curriculum for Excellence and the implementation of Glow, Scotland’s national education intranet.
Leatherhead Food Research Association (LFRA)
An international research, development, consultancy and training organisation for the food industry. Its members are companies and organisations within or connected to the food and agriculture industry worldwide. The site details LFRA services and products. To access most information you have to be a member.
Link 2 Exports
This site provides information about the British Chamber of Commerce and it’s activities. Link2exports provides detailed country and city information on over 200 countries. It is provided for people looking to export their products and services abroad. The site also has an area to register your details from which you will be emailed British Chamber of Commerce news updates.
Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
Providing a service to the Northern Ireland beef and sheepmeat industries, this site hosts information which is split into three sectors: for industry, for journalists and for school and home. The site hosts a monthly information bulletin, industry statistics, press releases and packs aswell as recipies and information on health and lifestyle.
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute is an international centre for research and consultancy on the environmental and social consequences of rural land uses.
Margarine and Spreads Association (MSA)
This site provides information on the history of margarine, the chemistry involved, nutrition and health, the uses of margarine – including recipies. The site also has information about MSA including contact details.
Meat and Livestock Commission (MLC)
Explains the role of the Commission and provides the latest news on the sheep, pig, and cattle industries.
Meat-Free Group
This website has been produced by the Food and Drink Federation’s Vegetarian and Meat-Free Group, which represents the leading meat-free ingredient suppliers and food manufacturers in the UK.
Microwave Technologies Association (MTA)
MTA has a membership comprising of major companies and qualified individual consultants. Members include those involved with both the domestic and commercial aspects of microwave appliances, including food, packaging and microwave manufacturers, retailers, educationalists, journalists and servicemen.
Napier University
Edinburgh Napier University is a dynamic, innovative and forward-looking institution dedicated to supplying educational services which are relevant to the needs of today’s students and employers.
National Association of British and Irish Millers
Comprehensive site covering all aspects of flour. The site holds information on consumer issues such as information packs, health issues, education and recipies as well as a news and resources section. The site also has a search facility.
National Dairy Council
This site provides resources such as nutrition facts, statistics, farming facts and nutrition notes. There is also a ‘goodies’ section including downloadable adverts and screen savers.
National Farmers Union (NFU)
The National Farmers Union represents the farmers and growers of England and Wales.
National Farmers Union of Scotland
NFU Scotland, formed in 1913, is an agricultural organisation representing 10,000 farmers, crofters and growers. NFU Scotland works alongside its sister organisations in England, Wales and Ulster as well as other rural organisations to promote and protect the interests of Scottish agriculture. Site contains farming facts, news, personnel details and services offered.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
NICE is an independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on promoting good health and preventing and treating ill health.
The site provides a large amount of free information such as a directory of biotechnology companies, jobs and careers information and an events listing. The site also acts as a portal to it’s sister sites, for example, the Cancer update. You can subscribe to the journal via the site and get a free trial.
NetRegs is designed to help small and medium sized businesses in the UK to understand their environmental responsibilities. The site has been developed by the EA/SEPA and Northern Ireland Environment and Heritage Service in conjunction with the DTI’s Small Business Service to provide free, plain language, advice on how to comply with environmental legislation including sector specific guidance. NetRegs also produces bi-monthly email updates.
New Scientist
The site hosts a large amount of news, a question and answer area, a weblinks directory, jobs and careers and an archive of recent articles. You can view a large amount of information for free but you have to be a subscriber to the magazine to view the archive. You can subscribe to the magazine on the site.
NHS – Live Well – Healthy eating
Introduction to articles and videos on healthy eating, vegetarian health, 5 A DAY, weight loss and eating disorders.
Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association (NIFDA)
NIFDA is a voluntary organization committed to helping Northern Ireland food and beverage companies compete successfully and to represent and promote their interests. It was established to provide services to enhance, promote, inform, educate and develop member businesses. The website provides information on events, companies and products, Northern Ireland food and and drink policy and breaking news.
Nutrition Society
The Nutrition Society website acts as a communication channel between members and as source of information about the Society for non-members. As such, the site does not provide any nutrition advice. The site holds information on jobs, upcoming meetings, publications and special interest groups within the nutrition society such as the nutrition and behavior group.
Nutritionist Resource
Directory for nutrition advice and information, connecting those seeking support with a large network of nutritionists in the UK.
Office of Fair Trading (OFT)
The OFT is responsible for making markets work well for consumers. They seek to promote and protect consumer interests throughout the UK, while ensuring that businesses are fair and competitive. Site includes, consumer information, market studies, business information, news and publications.
Office of Public Sector Information
Operating from within the National Archives, the Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) is at the heart of information policy, setting standards, delivering access and encouraging the re-use of public sector information.
Office of Water Services
The site for the government’s water industry regulator provides information on its work to encourage competition and the provision of a quality and valued service for customers. Includes details on new competition opportunities in the water industry due to come in to force in December 2005.
On-Pack Recycling Label Scheme
The On-Pack Recycling Label scheme aims to deliver a UK-wide recycling message on both retailer private label and brand-owner packaging to help consumers recycle.
Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association
The Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association was formed in 1970. It is a trade association which represents approximately 95% of the UK pet food manufacturing industry and comprises 60 member companies.
Potato Council Ltd
Extensive source of information on every aspect of the potato industry including consumer information and recipies, information on imports and exports, daily price of potatoes, www links, research information and events and publications. There is a password protected area for levy payers.
Pre-Packed Flour Association
Comprehensive site covering all aspects of flour. The site holds information on consumer issues such as information packs, health issues, education and recipies as well as a news and resources section. The site also has a search facility.
Provision Trade Federation
Provision Trade Federation is a trade association for companies involved in supplying provisions, which are bacon and ham; chilled and processed meats; dairy products of all kinds, including milk powders, cheese, butter, yogurt and other dairy desserts; and canned foods. The site provides information about the association, details of services available, a list of their members. There is also a password protected members only area.
Purely Nutrition – Nutrionalist Database
Purely Nutrition offers a nationwide database of fully qualified freelance nutritionists and dietitians nationwide. We offer a range of services for every size company ranging from Systematic literature reviews and recipe analysis to information on emerging markets and conference speakers and PR support.
Quality Meat Scotland
QMS is the public body responsible for helping the Scottish red meat sector improve its efficiency and profitability, and maximise its contribution to Scotland’s economy.
An online business to business information source for ‘ready meals’ sector and affiliated industries.
Red Meat Industry Forum (RMIF)
The forum aims to guarantee a sustainable long-term future for the British red meat industry. The site explains the forum’s objectives and includes a list of board members, a press release section, the forum’s newsletter and information on their projects.
Regional Food Group (RFG)
The RFG works with food and drink producers and manufacturers to develop the sale and consumption of Yorkshire and Humber food worldwide.
Rice Association
The principle object of the Association is to promote the interests of members in all matters pertaining to the import, preparation, processing, packaging, marketing and use of rice. The site includes information on the production of rice as well as statistics on rice and relevant links to other websites. There is also a small education section.
Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health – University of Aberdeen
The institute seeks to improve food quality and prevent disease.
Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS)
Professional body for environmental health officers, red meat inspectors, white meat inspectors and food safety officers in Scotland.
Rural Payments Agency
Set up as a result of changes in the way MAFF and the IB operate. Rural Payments Agency is a Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) payment agency, which will take over the administration of CAP schemes from DEFRA and the IB.
Safe and Local Supplier Approval (SALSA)
SALSA is a non-profit making joint venture between the four main trade associations representing the UK Food Chain – from farm to fork. The National Farmers Union (NFU); The Food and Drink Federation (FDF), The British Hospitality Association (BHA); The British Retail Consortium (BRC)
Safer Pak
The site contains a wide range of information on The BRC/IoP Packaging Standard, Hazard analysis (HACCP) and quality improvement tools and techniques. The site also has a discussion forum.
Salt Manufacturers’ Association (SMA)
The trade association representing UK manufacturers’ of salt including domestic salt, catering salt, water-softening salt, industrial salt and de-icing salt. The website holds information on the history of salt, salt production, the uses of salt as well as lists of their members.
Schools Net
Provides a range of online learning materials including a listings of all the schools in the UK, an online library and a web guide to more than 11,000 of educational sites. The site includes features of special interest to parents, pupils and teachers, in addition it offers a search facility which allows users to locate relevant sites for specific homework or classroom enquiries, organised by age and study level relevance.
Online journal about science. You can view the current issue as well as searching the back issues. There is also a careers section.
Science, Engineering and Technology Student of the Year Awards
Now in its fourth year, the awards were created to raise the status of technology education in Britain. If you are a student or a lecturer at a British university, this site gives you details of how to enter, plus any other information you may need about the awards. You can also download copies of the rules, and the entry form, directly from this site.
Scotch Whisky Association
The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) promotes, protects and represents the interests of the whisky industry in Scotland and around the world.
Scotland Food and Drink
Scotland Food & Drink, established in 2007, is a not-for-profit organisation that has been created to guide food and drink companies of all sizes towards increased profitability.
Scotland’s Colleges
Scotland’s Colleges exists to support, represent and promote Scotland’s 43 colleges who are at the forefront of lifelong learning, education, training and skills.
Scottish Agricultural College
Offers details of undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as the services provided for rural businesses and farmers. Includes sections on publications, news and events and a library resource.
Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society
The purpose of SAOS is to strengthen the profitability, competitiveness and sustainability of Scotland’s farming, food and drink, and related rural industries and communities through the development of co-operation and joint venture.
Scottish Association of Farmers Markets
Scottish Farmers’ Market is a market in which farmers, growers and producers from throughout Scotland sell their produce direct to the public. All foods/products sold should have been grown, reared, caught, brewed, pickled, baked, smoked, or made/prepared by the producer.
Scottish Association of Master Bakers (now Scottish Bakers)
Since 1891 the SAMB has represented and promoted the interests of the bakery trade in Scotland. The Association believes that it is an integral part of each members business operation. As such it can be called upon to provide a valuable source of advice, information, assistance and encouragement
Scottish Association of Master Bakers (now Scottish Bakers)
Since 1891 the SAMB has represented and promoted the interests of the bakery trade in Scotland. The Association believes that it is an integral part of each members business operation. As such it can be called upon to provide a valuable source of advice, information, assistance and encouragement
Scottish Council for Development and Industry
The Scottish Council for Development and Industry is an independent membership network which strengthens Scotland’s competitiveness by influencing Government policies to encourage sustainable economic prosperity. Site includes sections on policy information, government affairs, trade associations and press releases.
Scottish Crop Research Institute
SCRI is Scotland’s leading institute for research on plants and their interactions with the environment, particularly in managed ecosystems.
Scottish Development International
A joint venture between the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise bringing together the resources of these organisations to deliver support for companies investing in Scotland. SDI also helps Scottish companies do business internationally.
Scottish Enterprise
Scotland’s main economic development agency, funded by the Scottish Executive. Site includes organisation’s remit, objectives and structure as well as research, publications and news
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
SEPA is the leading public body for protecting and improving the environment in Scotland. It regulates industry, maintains flood defences and water resources, and improves wildlife habitats. The site contains information on publications, guidance, initiatives, data, consultations and policies.
Scottish Fishermen’s Federation
The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation was formed in 1973 to preserve and promote the collective interests of Fishermen’s Associations.
Scottish Food Quality Certification
SFQC (Scottish Food Quality Certification) is an independent company based in Scotland specialising in the inspection and certification of food production, processing and service.
Scottish Government
The devolved government for Scotland. A comprehensive site including publications, consultations, personnel info and latest news.
Scottish Grocers Federation
The Scottish Grocers’ Federation (SGF) is the trade association for the Scottish Convenience Store Sector.
Scottish Parliament
A comprehensive site featuring the work of Scotland’s devolved parliament. Includes sections on the work and personnel, committee news as well as a webcast facility to view parliamentary sessions.
Scottish Qualification Authority
SQA is the national accreditation and awarding body in Scotland. SQA works in partnership with industry, universities, colleges and schools to provide high quality, flexible and relevant qualifications and assessments – embedding industry standards where appropriate.
Scottish Retail Consortium
The SRC is a retail trade association for retailers in Scotland, from the major high street retailers and supermarkets to a number of trade associations representing smaller retailers. Site contains, policies and issues, the latest data and the Scottish Retail Sales Monitor as well as news and forthcoming events.
Scottish Salmon Producers’ Organisation (SSPO)
The Scottish Salmon Producers’ Organisation (SSPO) is the trade association for the salmon farming industry
Scottish Wholesalers Association
The Scottish Wholesale Association (SWA) is the official trade association for Scotland’s food and drink wholesaling businesses.
Seafish Industry Authority
Seafish, the authority on seafood, works across all sectors of the seafood industry to promote good quality, sustainable seafood. Our research and projects are aimed at raising standards, improving efficiency and ensuring that our industry develops in a viable way
Seafood Scotland
Seafood Scotland is a trade organisation set up in 1999 by the main representatives of the Scottish seafood industry to market, promote and develop responsibly caught Scottish seafood in order to maximise the value return to industry. Seafood Scotland also acts as delivery partner for Seafish in Scotland.
Simpler Trade Procedures Board (SITPRO)
SITPRO was set up in 1970 and is the UK’s national trade facilitation agency. It is dedicated to encouraging and helping business trade more effectively and to simplify the international trading process. Its focuses on procedures and documentation. The site has extensive information including country factsheets, FAQ’s and a listing of their publications plus a full online version of their newsletter.
Skills Development Scotland
Created in 2008, Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is a non-departmental public body (NDPB) which brought together the careers, skills, training and funding services of Careers Scotland, Scottish University for Industry (Learndirect Scotland) and the Skills Intervention arms of Scottish Enterprise and Highlands & Islands Enterprise.
Snack, Nut and Crisp Manufacturers’ Association Ltd (ESA)
ESA’s aids the development and improvement of potato chips, edible nuts and snack food products. As such, the site provides information on exhibitions and events, relevant industry links, an educational resource section and a consumer information area; including nutrition and labelling.
Society of Food Hygiene Technology, The (SOFHT)
SOFHT covers the interests and views of everyone involved in food safety throughout the food chain. An interest in food hygiene is the criteria for membership. The website has information on its activities, training options,as well as technical and legislative articles.
Society of Independent Brewers Association (SIBA)
SIBA was set up in 1980 and represents the interests of microbrewers. The site has information on SIBA activities, code of practice, news and events as well as listing the current members and hosting a discussion forum.
Strategy Unit
The Strategy Unit carries out long-term strategic reviews and policy analysis for the Cabinet Office. The website has a section on ‘current projects’ including GM Crops stragegy. There are also a large number of reports and consultations on issues ranging from the GM debate to tackling crime.
Sugar Bureau
An association fostering research, communication and information on sugar and health. It is funded principally by UK sugar manufacturers. The site provides science-based information on all aspects of sugar and health, as well as other nutrition topics. It offers recent research synopses, downloadable nutrition bulletins, leaflets, and includes science, press and schools sections.
This is an organisation that advocates better food and farming practices. As such, the website hosts information covering the current projects, publications, members list and details of Sustain’s current activities.
Tea Council
Information on this site is split into four areas: ‘Background to tea’ (including its origins), a ‘Starting points’ section including a directory and glossary, a more indepth information area on tea and a news section (including press coverage).
The Seasoning and Spice Association
The Seasoning and Spice Association is the voice of the UK Seasoning and Spice industry.
Think Food and Farming
Think Food and Farming is a long-term project led by Farming and Countryside Education (FACE) whose primary aim is to educate children and young people about food and farming in a sustainable countryside.
Trading Standards Institute
The Trading Standards Institute (formerly the Institute of Trading Standards Administration ITSA) has represented the interests of Trading Standards professionals for 120 years. The website has sections on events, publications and membership as well as information for business, schools and consumers.
UK Agricultural Supply Trade Assocation (UKASTA)
This site provides information about who are members and how to join, a news section with press releases and events and a catalogue of publications. A topical issues section includes fact sheets and news on the following areas: foot and mouth desease, BSE, labelling, undesirable substances and fish feed. There is also a members only area.
UK Resilience – Cabinet Office
UK Resilience exists to provide a resource for civil protection practitioners, supporting the work which goes on across the United Kingdom to improve emergency preparedness.
UK Trade Data Service
This site is part of HM Customs and Excise Statistics and Analysis of Trade Unit (SATU). The site provides specialised information for the trade and export community, including latest news, nomenclature information and www links. You can register on the site to receive sector specific information and news bulletins (subjects ranging from beer to tobacco).
University of Abertay
Abertay is a modern new university, one with a long history and has quickly become one of Scotland’s leading universities, highly ranked for academic performance and with a talented group of students and academics.
University of Strathclyde
The University was established in 1796 as ‘the place of useful learning’ and this remains our mission today: to combine academic excellence with social and economic relevance
Vegan Society
The site hosts FAQ’s, news with events listings, an online forum and info sheets. There is also a links section.
Vegetarian Society of the UK
The Vegetarian Society is a registered charity and the site provides information on health and nutrition, animals and the environment, recipies, a leisure and lifestyle directory and resources for children. There is also a section about how to join the Vegetarian Society.
Vision in Business for the Environment Scotland (VIBES)
Businesses in Scotland are taking significant steps to improve or reduce their impact on the environment, saving money in the process. VIBES 2010 is being held to recognise and showcase best practice.
Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP)
WRAP was set up in 2001, in response to the UK Government’s Waste Strategy 2000, to promote sustainable waste management for both commercial & industrial waste and municipal waste streams. It is a not-for-profit company funded by DEFRA, the DTI, and the devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Its core activity is developing markets for recycled materials but it has also taken on additional activities – encouraging and communicating recycling best practice and waste minimisation.
World Health Organisation (WHO)
The WHO site provides information on recent and upcoming events, emergency and disaster support, information resources including publications, multimedia resources and catalogues and a section on topical news.
Zero Waste Scotland
Zero Waste Scotland is funded by the Scottish Government to support delivery of its Zero Waste Plan. Zero Waste Scotland works with businesses, communities, individuals and local authorities to help them reduce waste, recycle more and use resources sustainably.