Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Josh Gustav

Last Updated: 3, June 2024


Health & Wellbeing

Food Safety and Science

Industry facts

Environment FAQs

What is the food industry doing about waste?

Reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill is a priority for FDF. In
particular FDF’s Five-Fold Environmental Ambition includes an aspiration for
FDF members
to send zero food and packaging waste from their sites to landfill from 2015.

More information on waste reduction.

View our Five-Fold Environmental Ambition: Waste: promoting resource efficiency

Do you have any information on water use by food manufacturers / processors?

One of the main sources of public information on food and drink manufacturers is
the Federation House Commitment Progress Report.

Water use information by signatories is presented in cubic meters per year as
well as per tonne of product (excluding that embedded in products). Sector
breakdown information is also included in the Report. Further information about
Federation House Commitment can also be found on the FHC2020 website.

Health & Wellbeing FAQs

How are you making products healthier?

Our members have been voluntarily embracing this particular challenge for a
number of years, and they are now leading the way when it comes to the
of popular products – meeting consumer concerns about health in a way that
doesn’t make any compromises on taste.

Read more in our report: Our recipe for change.

What does GDA stand for?

GDA stands for Guideline Daily Amount (GDAs) and is the recommended amount of
nutrients an adult should consume each day.

More information about GDAs and GDA labels is available from

Where can I obtain the Join the Activators CD for my primary school?

The Join the Activators CD Rom was part of the Foodfitness campaign. The
foodfitness website had been running for over four years and it was not reflective of
recent developments on the obesity debate. With this in mind and no plans to
update the content we have stopped producing the Join Activator CD and the
associated website is also no longer available.

Some more relevant and useful websites have been launched such as the
government’s Change4Life campaign and website and the FSA’s eatwell website.

Food Safety and Science FAQs

I have used your FoodLink PDF info sheets in my lessons but I cannot find them on your website any more. Please could you send me copies of them?

Since 2006, when the Food Standard’s Agency (FSA) took over the leadership role
in Food Safety Week (FSW) the primary role of the FoodLink website became
signposting to the FSW information.

With no further investment in the content we felt the time was right to close
the FoodLink website and discontinue all the related leaflets and materials.

FDF remains a proud partner of Food Safety Week and will continue to support the
essential work it carries out in promoting good food hygiene practice. The
Food Safety Week website has information available and useful Food Safety Week resources.

Industry facts FAQs

What is the size of the UK food and drink sector?

The food and drink manufacturing industry is the single largest manufacturing
sector in the UK.

For more statistics and facts, see stats at a glance.

Do you hold any statistics about the gross sales of the UK food & beverage market and the share of sales of its subindustries (dairy, meat, fish, confectionary, beverages, baked goods)?

The best source of data for turnover/sales is the Office for National Statistics
(ONS) Annual Business Survey, see: ONS Annual Business Survey. For the food and soft drinks industry (which FDF covers) have a look at SIC 10
and SIC 11.07.

What are the different sub sectors found in the food industry?

The food industry has as many sectors as there are products. Have a look at what
sectors FDF represents: FDF Food Sectors.