26 June 2014
FDF response to Public Health England’s ‘Sugar Reduction: Responding to a Challenge’ paper
In response to the publication of Public Health England’s ‘Sugar Reduction: Responding to a Challenge’ paper, Barbara Gallani, Director of Regulation, Science & Health at the
Food and Drink Federation, the voice of food and drink manufacturers in the UK,
“FDF and its members recognise that diets high in sugar can contribute to excess
calorie intake, which if sustained can lead to weight gain and obesity. This is
why we will to continue to play our part to help consumers reduce their calorie
intake and be more active. FDF members have committed to reducing calories in
their products under the Department of Health’s Responsibility Deal. In some
this has included a reduction in sugar as part of the wider calorie reduction
“We are pleased to announce that following discussions with the Secretary of
State for Health, FDF members have agreed to implement a 250 kcal cap on shop
bought single-serve confectionery. This work will be complete by spring 2016.
2010, billions of single-serve products have been reformulated and/or reduced
size to bring their calorie content to less than 250kcal; the average calorie
reduction for each of these products has been around 15%.”
More information
For further information or to request an interview, please contact Anna Taylor
at FDF via 0207 420 7118 or [email protected].
Policy Briefings
For FDF’s policy positions and background on key issues, go to our Policy section.