FDF is structured so that it is able to respond to the issues and challenges
shaping the world in which our members operate.
- Ingredients for Success – Agenda
- Competitiveness
- Food Safety and Science
- Health and Wellbeing
- Sustainability
Our technical expertise and
understanding of industry issues, as well as a clear focus on the policy areas
that have the biggest impact on the industry, ensures we are well placed to
deliver results for our members.
Our membership comprises manufacturers of all
sizes as well as trade associations dealing with
specific sectors of the industry. In representing the
interests of our members, we are focusing on the
following core priorities:
Underpinning all this work is our commitment to communicate effectively
industry’s values, concerns and achievements to all stakeholders.
We are always looking at ways of improving further the services we offer to our
members to ensure we continue to deliver outstanding results for them in ever
more challenging circumstances.
Our Business Plan 2014 (pdf) explains all about our priorities.