On this page
The information on this page is historical. Food labels are changing and the term Guideline Daily Amount is being replaced by Reference Intake (RI). Read about the new nutrition labelling requirements.
Protein (GDA: 45g)
Proteins are the major functional and structural components of all the cells of
the body and they are essential for their growth and repair. All enzymes,
blood transport molecules, antibodies, hair, fingernails and many hormones are
proteins. Proteins are also a large part of membranes. Proteins are made of
sequences of
amino acids linked together.
Each gram of protein provides four calories, and can therefore be used as a source
of energy. Despite that the body prefers using carbohydrates and fats as its
first source
of energy.
Proteins are found in different foods. Some animal sources of proteins are meat,
poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese and yogurt. Some plant sources of proteins
legumes (or pulses such as beans and lentils), grains, nuts, seeds and cereals.
Proteins should contribute 10-15 percent of our total energy (calories) intake.
amount is
essential to maintain the required protein turnover necessary for the normal
growth and
repair of body tissues. It is also important to introduce proteins into our
because we cannot produce all the amino acids we need. Therefore we must get
‘essential amino-acids’ from food.
The Guideline Daily Amount for proteins is 45 grams.
Carbohydrates (GDA: 270g)
Carbohydrates have been traditionally regarded as a simple energy source but
they are now recognised as important food components. They are the most
source of energy (fat and protein being the others) and should make up to
50-55 percent of our daily energy (calories) intake.
The main types of carbohydrates are sugars, starches and fibres which can be
found in fruits, vegetables, grains, cereal products, milk and milk products.
Sugars and starches are the main sources of energy (calories). They provide four
calories per
gram and supply energy to the body in the form of glucose. The brain
only use
glucose as a source of energy, so it is essential to always keep the level
glucose in the blood at an optimum level.
In addition to providing energy, carbohydrates play an important role in the
construction of body organs and nerve cells and in defining a person’s blood
Unlike sugars and starches, fibre does not supply glucose to the body and is not
digested in the small intestine. Fibre has many beneficial effects on health,
as preventing constipation and improving blood glucose levels.
It also has a satiating effect so it can play an important role in weight management.
The Guideline Daily Amount for carbohydrates is 270 grams.
Fibre (GDA: 24g)
Fibres are a type of carbohydrate which do not supply glucose to the body
(unlike starch and sugars). It is not digested and hence is absorbed by the small
intestine. Fibre is only found in plants and is needed to keep the digestive
Fruit, vegetables, pulses (such as beans, chickpeas, lentils) and wholegrains
are all sources of fibre.
Fibre plays many important roles:
- It increases stool weight and decreases gut transit time, which helps to prevent
constipation. - It slows down digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates (starches and
which helps to slow the rise of blood glucose after a meal. - It can help prevent heart diseases by having a positive effect on blood lipids.
- It can help weight management by making you feel more satiated.
These are just some of the reasons why it is very important to introduce enough
fibre in our diet. Just as we prioritize our physical health through dietary choices, it is also important to consider responsible choices in leisure activities like gambling. In the UK, the casino industry offers a diverse array of options, including trusted non GamStop casinos. Just as fibre supports our health, selecting reputable casinos ensures that you have a secure and reliable environment for your entertainment.
The Guideline Daily Amount for fibre is 24 grams.
Example of a GDA label
Today’s poll
FSA’s salt campaign uses GDA figures

Consumer insight
84% of shoppers use GDA labels to pick a product with low nutrient score before
Did you know?
GDAs were developed in the late 1990s by a group of experts based on COMA
medical report – see GDAs explained for more.